Partnering with Teacher Unions

RISHA’s Committee on Partnering with Teacher Unions provides leadership, resources, and opportunities for state-wide collaboration to assist school-based SLPs as they advocate for improved working conditions and equitable compensation.

ASHA Resources:

School Contracts:

Excerpts of Local Contract Language:

“Section 3: Recognition of National Certifications other than NBPTS

a) Service provider bargaining unit members who hold national certification and/or credentials that exceed the minimum requirements for licensure and/or certification and are equivalent to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process, shall receive the same compensation, benefits and standing as NBPTS certified bargaining unit members as prescribed in this Article.

b) Such certifications include, but may not be limited to, the following: National Board for Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) for School Nurse Teachers; Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSP); Certified School Social Work Specialist (C-SSWS); ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SP) for Speech-Language Pathologists; and National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).” – West Warwick Public Schools (September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2026)


“All Related Service Providers shall be responsible for service capture delivery logs documented within two (2) weeks of service. In order to comply with these deadlines, the Administration shall provide to Elementary Related Service Providers a minimum of two (2) continuous blocks of thirty-five (35) minutes per week of administrative time in addition to unassigned time provided for in Article VIII. The scheduling of these two (2) administrative blocks of time is subject to the approval of the Principal or his/her designee. The Administration shall provide suitable equipment or access to suitable equipment to all Related Service Providers to complete service capture delivery logs and other administrative tasks.” – Cranston Public Schools (September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2025)


“(f) The School Committee shall limit caseloads for speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, occupational
therapist assistants, physical therapists, and physical therapist assistants to no more than sixty (60) students. If the caseload
maximum is exceeded for any individual in these classifications, that individual shall receive a stipend of 1/60th of his/her annual
salary per each student over the sixty (60) student maximum for the duration of the rostered overage.” – Pawtucket School Department (9-1-20 to 8-31-23)


“f. Speech-language: In the event a speech-language pathologist exceeds forty-five (45) hours of direct instruction per week and has a caseload of more than forty-five (45) students, the pathologist shall be compensated at his or her contractual hourly rate for all hours in excess of 45. A “direct instructional hour” is an hour of instructional time with a student; if direct instruction occurs with multiple students, a contact hour applies to each student in the group.– Woonsocket Education Department (7-1-24 to 6-30-27)


“Caseloads for Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Speech Pathologists shall remain consistent with state maximums. The maximum student population served by Social Workers and Psychologists shall not exceed state maximums.”

“Teachers of Special Education, including speech therapists, teachers of emotionally-disturbed students, and school psychologists, who are fully certified for the position, shall receive three hundred ninety-seven dollars ($397).” – East Providence School District (Nov 11, 2023 to Oct 31, 2026)
