Annual BHSM Statehouse Event

Please join RISHA at the 2024 Better Hearing and Speech month event/display at the Rhode Island State House

DATE: Thursday May 30, 2024

TIME: 2:00- 4:30 pm

WHERE: Directly outside the Senate chamber of the RI State House, 82 Smith St. Providence, RI

You can join RISHA at the Rhode Island State House every May for our annual Better Speech and Hearing Month recognition in the RI Senate.  Our host, Senator Hanna Gallo, will introduce those present and request a resolution proclaiming May as “Better Speech and Hearing Month” in the state of Rhode Island.

Attendees should meet directly outside the Senate chamber. The displays will be set up just outside the Senate chamber. When the Senate session begins (after 4 pm) participants are invited into the chamber as guests of Senator Hanna Gallo. Approximately 10 -15 seats are generally reserved for attendees and participants must RSVP in advance. If you would like to remain as a visitor to the Senate, you must RSVP. If you need to arrive after 2 pm, please simply indicate that. The event is casual. This is a wonderful opportunity to share information about your organization with the public and to meet other professionals supporting individuals in RI who have communication challenges. RISHA would love to have representation from a variety of organizations who provide education and/or services to individuals of all ages.

Organizations that choose to join us will have a table to display information to the public and to the legislators. You will need to furnish your display and a table cover.  Tables are available.  Please reserve a spot if you’d like to have a display, but displays aren’t required. Feel free to join us!!!

We encourage you to participate in this annual event. If you know of an individual or an agency that might be interested in attending this annual event, please feel free to share this invitation. Metered parking is available near the State House on Smith, Francis & Gaspee Streets. Parking is also available at Providence Place Mall.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience to RISHA’s treasurer Ellen Connery. RSVP required by May 1st. Hope to see you there!